Claim Israel ‘can always return’ to Philadelphi Corridor baseless

Claim Israel ‘can always return’ to Philadelphi Corridor baseless


Prof. Kobi Michael in JNS: The Rafah Crossing has served as the main platform for smuggling weapons into Gaza, all with Egypt turning a blind eye. Abandoning the corridor and crossing before establishing monitoring and control mechanisms transparent to Israel means losing control over the corridor and crossing in the future. 

Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser: The reality of so many tunnels under the corridor makes it clear that what will happen is a renewal of the smuggling of arms from Egypt to Gaza, Why does Hamas so insist on this corridor, if nothing is supposed to happen? The reality of so many tunnels under the corridor makes it clear that what will happen is a renewal of the smuggling of arms from Egypt to Gaza, Why does Hamas so insist on this corridor, if nothing is supposed to happen?
It’s obvious that Israel can’t rely on the Egyptians. They promised and supposedly acted to prevent these smuggling activities, but in practice, you see the vast amounts of weapons Hamas has. Why should this change?

Published in JNS, August 27, 2024.

Claim Israel ‘can always return’ to Philadelphi Corridor baseless
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