As young Arab and Israeli peace activists, President Trump’s announcement of normalization between the UAE and Israel in 2020 changed our lives.
The terrible war imposed on Israel on Oct. 7 tested not only Israel’s military power and national strength but also its relations with its neighbors in the Arab and Muslim world. …
Israel should deepen cooperation with Sudanese Transitional Sovereignty Council leader al-Burhan in order to ensure that Sudan remains in the Abraham Accords and does not move into Iran’s orbit.
Rather than have Saudi Arabia try to keep up with Iran by getting enrichment capabilities, Israel should hope the US acts to bring an end to Iran’s threatening capabilities.
Too much zeal for a deal in Jerusalem will boomerang in Israel’s disfavor.
The hard left prefers shafting Netanyahu and promoting Palestinian statehood to breakthrough diplomacy that would transform the Mideast.
“If there’s a fire burning in their backyard, it’s going to be a lot tougher, if not impossible, to actually both deepen the existing agreements, as well as to expand …