The bold proposals of General Gershon Hacohen for national vision and renewed ideological-theological defense posture.
Israel rejects proposals that leave Hamas in power, fail to demilitarize Gaza, and fail to pressure Hamas into releasing hostages.
Although Hamas has dug its claws deep into all aspects of life and layers of Gaza, Israel must win decisively and prevent rearmament of the terrorist organization.
Victory means full demilitarization and control of the Gaza-Egypt border.
Washington’s desire to avoid regional war and its insistence that Israel end major combat operations before completing takeover of Gaza encourages Iran and its proxies to escalate their aggressions.
Col. (res.) Prof. Gabi Siboni and Prof. Kobi Michael are leading development of a national strategy for internal security, and the “Israel 2.0” research project, both at the Misgav Institute. …
If Iran and the Houthis don’t pay a heavy price for their attempt to impose a naval blockade, not only will international trade be severely jeopardized, but so will the security of the entire region.
The United States and Israel have been the two states most active in opposing Iran’s nuclear ambitions; however, the respective strategies of each of these states have changed repeatedly.
Israel’s future is guaranteed by gutsy and patriotic teens, soldiers, and students.
It would be a daunting challenge to map a realistic vision for the Gaza Strip for the coming decade or even, in most likelihood, farther down the road. One will …