The West Bank is currently defined as a secondary arena in Israel’s multi-arena campaign. Successfully addressing its challenges will help maintain this definition and prevent the area from deteriorating into a situation that Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas would like to see.
Time to put Israel’s economy and its society on an emergency footing.
A complete victory in the Gaza Strip could shake Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah’s confidence and demonstrate the potential consequences of conflict with Israel.
How the Palestinian national movement uses demography to fight and overwhelm the Jewish State.
The law is clear – civilians lose their protection when they collaborate with Hamas and take hostages captive.
Even if Israel had the heaviest bunker-busting bombs, it would be difficult to deliver them to the target.
A closer look at Hamas’ five key demands in the hostage release negotiations reveals its broader aspirations for consolidating power and influence.
We must emphasize that deradicalization is key to building sustainable peace and coexistence in Jerusalem and beyond.
President Biden prefers to make allowances for Iran while reprimanding Israel; to spare the ayatollahs but scold Netanyahu; to let the Iranian bomb program advance but not the IDF. Dangerous times indeed.
Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser: The Biden administration wants to avoid any confrontation with Iran. They are afraid that if they move into confrontation, confrontational Iran may actually move towards …