With Donald J. Trump moving in three days’ time back into the White House, Israel must carefully calibrate its relationship with the new-old president and his team. Jerusalem has to …
David M. Weinberg

David M. Weinberg
Founding coordinator of the Global Forum against Anti-Semitism in the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office, and former senior advisor to Deputy Prime Minister Natan Sharansky. Israel office director of Canada’s Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs. A three-decade veteran diplomatic and defense columnist for The Jerusalem Post and many Jewish newspapers around the world.
Dealing Palestinian terrorists for Israeli hostages might be the moral thing to do, but it also may be the most disastrous.
It’s Trump time: Handcuffs off versus Hamas and Iran. Therefore, hostilities are about to escalate – yes “escalate” – purposefully and usefully so.
Know Comment: I see knockback against Iran, conflict with Turkey, a deal with Saudi Arabia, and ever-higher taxes.
Palestinianism seeks to strip justice and authenticity from Israel’s very existence and to upend its alliance with the democratic world.
Trudeau has upended seven decades of magnificent Canadian support for Israel across Liberal and Conservative political lines, and let antisemites run wild in the streets. Despair has become a feature of everyday life for Jews.