The tectonic threat of Iran to Mideast and global stability must be countered head-on.
David M. Weinberg

David M. Weinberg
Founding coordinator of the Global Forum against Anti-Semitism in the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office, and former senior advisor to Deputy Prime Minister Natan Sharansky. Israel office director of Canada’s Center for Israel and Jewish Affairs. A three-decade veteran diplomatic and defense columnist for The Jerusalem Post and many Jewish newspapers around the world.
Israel must resist America’s fantasy framework for a swift, dangerously indecisive, end to the Gaza war.
A lesson of the Purim tale: Israel cannot allow the world to emasculate it. Finishing off Hamas and maintaining long-term control of a security envelope including Judea, Samaria, and Gaza is an essential goal that justifies Israeli defiance of the world.
Nobody can draft haredi Israeli Jews against their will – no matter what the Supreme Court rules or the Knesset legislates. But Ultra-Orthodox men could serve national or military service during their long semester breaks.
David M. Weinberg discusses the relevance of Ramadan to the current war in Gaza and potential escalations in Jerusalem on the Temple Mount. Also: The need to dismantle UNRWA.Briefing for …
On the soft bigotry of low expectations regarding Muslim violence during their holy month.