Ruth Wasserman Lande: At the moment, the prevailing feeling here is one of apprehension and trepidation about whether this deal will indeed materialize. After all, we are negotiating with a …
Ruth Wasserman Lande

Ruth Wasserman Lande
Former MK and founder and co-chair of the Knesset Caucus for the promotion of the Abraham Accords. Served as Israeli deputy ambassador to Egypt, and as advisor to Israeli President Shimon Peres for foreign and Jewish affairs.
Despite significant setbacks to Iran’s axis, including Hezbollah’s weakening and loss of Syrian smuggling routes, Tehran maintains dangerous influence in Jordan and the West Bank.
Ruth Wasserman Lande: A new world order is in formation. The equation has become – radical Islam vs the rest of the world. In order to remedy an illness, there …
The arrival of President-elect Donald Trump, perceived as a dominant and strong leader, is already impacting the Middle East even before he has been sworn in.
UN representatives demand Israel free a senior Hamas terrorist. Citizen Spokeswoman Ruth Wasserman Lande explains that murderers don’t get immunity just because they wear a stethoscope.January 1, 2024.
Ruth Wasserman Lande: Erdogan is a disciple of the Muslim Brotherhood. He is an Islamist radical in Turkey. He is behind Syria’s rebels that came from al Qaeda, from Daesh, …