Are Israel and Hizballah Destined for All-Out War?

Dr. Raphael BenLevi: “Israel’s previous actions in Lebanon included attempts to directly influence Lebanese politics, either by supporting Christian factions in the First Lebanon War, or in the 1990s using IDF strikes in order to pressure the Lebanese government to kick out the Syrians. Today, Lebanon is a Hizballah-dominated state. Israel isn’t capable of solving Lebanon’s politics but what is clear is that Israel taking direct and significant action against Hizballah is Lebanon’s only hope to change its current trajectory toward becoming another Islamic Republic.”

Watch Misgav fellow, Dr. Raphael BenLevi’s full discussion with FDD’s Richard Goldberg, and WINEP’s Hanin Ghaddar on the possible war between Israel and Hizballah, hosted by Jonathan Silver of Mosaic Magazine.

Published in Mosaic, May 29, 2024.

Are Israel and Hizballah Destined for All-Out War?