ISRAEL Vs IRAN: A Case of Clash of Civilisations

ISRAEL Vs IRAN: A Case of Clash of Civilisations: Dr #SubramanianSwamy with Mr Joseph Rozen.


Biden prefers appeasing Iran to risk of broader conflagration

Meir Ben Shabbat to JNS: Israel must consider the possibility of seizing this opportunity to derive significant benefit, such as in the realm of preventing Iranian nuclear proliferation.

Published in JNS, April 17, 2024.

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Biden prefers appeasing Iran to risk of broader conflagration

Former US National Security Advisor and Misgav International Council member, Robert O’Brien on Iran

Former Amb. NSA O’Brien on ABC News: We need to make a strong statement in support of Israel, and start treating Hamas like we treated ISIS…With the Iranians, we should put together a coalition with Israel and other Western allies, and at a minimum take out their drone factories and their ballistic missiles factories that are raining terror down on people in Ukraine and now in Israel.

‘Psychological Warfare’: Hamas Admits Incomplete Data on One-Third of Gaza Death Toll

Dr. Adi Schwartz: In the last week or two, there have been serious allegations against Hamas’s numbers. They’re on the defensive right now. That’s how I understand it. They didn’t have a choice.

They want to be seen as a credible source addressing the concerns of the international media. It’s their way of staying on top of the narrative, how to spin it,

Published in TPS, April 11, 2024.

‘Psychological Warfare’: Hamas Admits Incomplete Data on One-Third of Gaza Death Toll

The potential for Israel-Indonesia normalization

The potential for mutually-beneficial cooperation between Israel and Indonesia exists in numerous areas, from defense and cyber to water, agriculture and innovation. As with Saudi Arabia, we may see normalization proceed in a gradual manner, focused first on specific areas or fields. Strong American support for the expansion of the Abraham Accords will be extremely important to their success.

Extremists rise in new Palestinian Authority government as Biden threatens Israel over Gaza war

Prof. Kobi Michael: The appointment of Mohammed Mustafa is really just replacing one Mohammed with another Mohammed. Mustafa, who previously served as the deputy prime minister and minister of the economy, was a close ally and adviser of Abbas and “he will do whatever Abbas tells him to do.”

Published in Fox Mews, April 7, 2024. .

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shutterstock - Alexandros Michailidis

Is Iran Poised To Add Jordan to Its Anti-Israel ‘Ring of Fire’ Strategy?

Tehran’s diplomacy complements its military pressure on Jordan. Ten years ago Jordan rejected an Iranian offer to supply free oil to the kingdom. Now Tehran is trying again to tighten relations. The Iranian foreign minister, Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, is urging his Jordanian counterpart, Ayman Safadi, to join Saudi Arabia in a regional rapprochement between Sunni and Shiite Mideast countries.

The full interview published in The New York Sun, April 4, 2024/

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לפי סעיף 27 א' לחוק זכויות יוצרים

We must always look for more opportunities to increase ties

We must always look for more opportunities to increase ties wherever whenever.

At the Knesset – 2.4.24

Recommendations for Advancing the Abraham Accords post-October 7

Asher Fredman presents recommendations for advancing the Abraham Accords and regional peace post-October 7, in a special April 2, 2024 session of the Knesset Abraham Accords Caucus.

These recommendations include:

1. Advance multilateral frameworks and initiatives for cooperation.

2. Encourage the active involvement and commitment of third party allies.

3. Counter discourses of extremism, including that promoted by Qatar, while promoting tolerance.

4. Ensure that Sudan remains within the circle of peace & outside the Iranian orbit.

5. Show determination in standing-up to Iranian-backed terror.

From ‘bear hug‘ to barbs, how the U.S. and Israel differ on taking Rafah

Brig. General (Ret.) Yossi Kuperwasser: Israel does not intend to hurt anyone in Gaza, we are doing our utmost to provide humanitarian aid, but we also understand that Hamas uses its civilians as human shields and as tokens to put pressure on the U.S. administration.

The Full interview published in The Jewish Insider 28.3.2024