Israel must clarify it won’t compromise on its demand for Gaza’s demilitarization in addition to – not instead of – toppling Hamas’ rule.
After the failed bombing in Tel Aviv, one must ask whether the incident marks the return of suicide terrorism to our daily lives. To prevent such a wave of terror, it is crucial to immediately implement the lessons learned from past attacks.
The West Bank is currently defined as a secondary arena in Israel’s multi-arena campaign. Successfully addressing its challenges will help maintain this definition and prevent the area from deteriorating into a situation that Iran, Hezbollah, and Hamas would like to see.
On the soft bigotry of low expectations regarding Muslim violence during their holy month.
It is a mistake for Israel to rely on Palestinian workers, and at the present they pose a security risk.
Col. (res.) Prof. Gabi Siboni and Prof. Kobi Michael are leading development of a national strategy for internal security, and the “Israel 2.0” research project, both at the Misgav Institute. …
The establishment of civilian rapid-response security squads everywhere in Israel is more urgent than ever. This requires government investment and volunteer mobilization, including participation of the haredi sector.