Claim Israel ‘Can Always Return’ to Philadelphi Corridor Baseless

Claim Israel ‘Can Always Return’ to Philadelphi Corridor Baseless


Brig. Gen. (res.) Yossi Kuperwasser: if Israel were to withdraw, there would be a resurgence of arms smuggling from Egypt into Gaza.The reality of so many tunnels under the corridor makes it clear that what will happen is a renewal of the smuggling of arms from Egypt to Gaza. Why does Hamas so insist on this corridor, if nothing is supposed to happen?

Prof. Kobi Michael: The Rafah Crossing has served as the main platform for smuggling weapons into Gaza, all with Egypt turning a blind eye. Abandoning the corridor and crossing before establishing monitoring and control mechanisms transparent to Israel means losing control over the corridor and crossing in the future.

Published algemeiner , September 1, 2024.

Claim Israel ‘Can Always Return’ to Philadelphi Corridor Baseless
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