Palestinian President Abbas slams Israel, US during UN speech as critics decry his support for terrorism

Palestinian President Abbas slams Israel, US during UN speech as critics decry his support for terrorism


Prof. Kobi Michael: The PA and Abbas duplicate all of the corruption, nepotism, and inefficiency of the Palestine Liberation Organization” that was created by Arafat. Abbas does not accept the basic right of the Jewish people to self-determination, and therefore he doesn’t recognize the right of the state of Israel to be a nation state of the Jewish people in any borders.

He has not educated the young generation and has not educated PA officials for peace. On the contrary, Abbas has led and enabled the indoctrination toward hatred and toward delegitimization of the state of Israel.

Published in Fox News, September 26, 2024.

Palestinian President Abbas slams Israel, US during UN speech as critics decry his support for terrorism
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