At ten months distance from this country’s contemporary national catastrophe of Tisha Be’Av magnitude, the Hamas invasion of Simchat Torah 5784 (also known as the “Black Sabbath” of October 7), …
It is time for Israel to diversify its strategic alliances, sources of raw materials and weaponry, technological partnerships, and more.
Preservation and protection is a necessity so that something of biblical heritage remains for future generations. So that the land of the Bible is not erased by Palestinian aggression and denialism.
Escalating Palestinian terrorism, surging illegal Palestinian construction in zones of strategic importance to Israel, and wildly out-of-control arson attacks must be stopped.
Refuting four pseudo-foundational concepts that haredi ideologues cite in defense of their refusal to do IDF service.
Time to put Israel’s economy and its society on an emergency footing.
We must emphasize that deradicalization is key to building sustainable peace and coexistence in Jerusalem and beyond.
President Biden prefers to make allowances for Iran while reprimanding Israel; to spare the ayatollahs but scold Netanyahu; to let the Iranian bomb program advance but not the IDF. Dangerous times indeed.
Beware nicely disguised strategies for Israel’s defeat.
Ersatz recognition of a Palestinian state at war with Israel retards peace.