Trump – Harris debate

Trump – Harris debate


Prof. Zaki Shalom: Most of the Jewish community in the United States still supports the Democratic Party, almost 70% of them, until now, are supportive of the Democratic Party. Maybe now, because of Trump’s campaign, things will change. But when Kamala Harris says she is supporting an immediate ceasefire – what does she mean? She means that Israel needs to stop the war without achieving its goals, that Hamas will remain in power in Gaza and the attack of Oct. 7 might be repeated again from Gaza. It’s nice words to say we’re supporting a ceasefire, but for Israel right now this is actually labelling it as a defeated state.

The other component of her speech was the support for the two-state solution. She knows very well that this Israeli government is totally rejecting this position, and she knows that even the Knesset has been rejecting it. We see what’s going on now in Judea and Samaria, which is very close to the Israeli central populated areas. If God forbids, what happened on October 7 might start from Kalkilya or Tulkarem, it’s going to be in Tel-Aviv, Natanya or other places. So she knows it, and these views of hers are not really pleasant to Israeli ears.

Published on ILTV, September 11, 2024.

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