An open letter to President Biden: Stop turning a blind eye to terror

As a former member of the Knesset, a Jewish citizen of Israel, and a mother who was moved to see you in Israel following the events of October 7 and to hear you declare that one does not have to be Jewish to be a Zionist, I would like to share with you, Mr. President, my belief that you carry within you a deep emotional and spiritual commitment to the Jewish people and the State of Israel.

I feel that you, personally, understand the righteousness of my people’s path, despite the fact that it is, of course, not devoid of errors.

Nonetheless, Mr. President, I would like to share with you my deep concern in light of your call on Israel not to respond to the recent unprecedented Iranian attack on our soil. That is, in your words, to prevent the situation from escalating into a regional war. Mr. President, we are already in a regional war!

For whatever reason, the West chooses to continue to turn a blind eye to the terror cultivated by the Ayatollah regime. I cannot imagine that this regime’s ideology and ambitions remain hidden from you, a leader who has the best intelligence capabilities at his disposal.

This is a regime that began its relentless, systematic, and meticulously planned assault on Western values in 1979, immediately following the Islamic Revolution in Iran.

It is a regime that teaches tens of thousands of Shi’ite girls in Syria and Iraq to engage in temporary “marriages of convenience,” which are annulled shortly after consummation.

After annulment, the “fruits” of these temporary marriages are then taken to be cultivated as future soldiers in the Shi’ite militias in Iraq and Syria. The long arms of this terror take the form of the Houthis in Yemen; Hamas and the Islamic Jihad in the Gaza Strip, Judea and Samaria, and Lebanon; as well as Hezbollah.

Iran sponsors terror in Sudan and many other countries on the African continent and quietly nurtures “terror cells” in the West, including in Europe, Canada, Australia, and, of course, the US. All this, Mr. President, is well beyond a regional war.

In the wake of the current Iranian regime’s show of terror in the form of over 300 missiles aimed and fired at Israeli cities, it is hard to imagine that its declaration of intent regarding the destruction of the State of Israel is empty of content and that it will not do everything in its power to realize its threats. That is, particularly if Iran continues to see, hear, and feel the hesitation of Western countries to stop it.

Your clear stand on Israel’s side – intercepting and stopping this unprecedented attack – did not go unnoticed by me or by my fellow citizens. It moved me and re-instilled in me the hope that good will yet prevail.

You were also able to produce an impressive and unprecedented international and regional coalition that even included Arab countries whose interests align with the national security of the State of Israel.

But at the same time, you hastened to publicly warn Israel not to respond to Iran’s horrifying act of aggression.

The reason behind this aggression is undoubtedly our enemies’ perception that Israel’s deterrence is not what it once was – a perception that is strengthened by statements that clearly indicate that Israel’s hands are asked to be tied by none other than our greatest friends in the international arena.

Can you imagine, Mr. President, that if the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, or any other country in the West were attacked in this way, it could be expected not to respond? When the United States was attacked in 2001 by despicable terrorists, was it at all conceivable that it would not retaliate?

Indeed, the dangers inherent in each step must be weighed with the utmost care. The potential consequences of each step are fateful. Yet, not responding, in and within itself, is a choice that has far-reaching consequences.

This strife that we are currently facing on several fronts is one that we did not initiate nor wish for. Mr. President, you have witnessed the pain of my people, the trauma of the families of those among us who are still held captive in Gaza, and the constant threat to our civilians from the east, the south, and the north. All of this can be traced back to none other than the same murderous, hateful regime.

Destiny has placed you, at this particular time, in a position of power and at the helm. You currently hold the reins on the stability of our region and the protection of Western values.

As such, Mr. President, I believe that you simply no longer have the privilege to unsee the clear situation and that you must act in good conscience.

Published in The Jerusalem Post, April 19, 2024