Iran now faces a Hobson’s choice

Iran now faces a Hobson’s choice

The impotence of a regime whose sole currency is based on a reign of terror is being exposed.


If press reports are accurate, not only Hezbollah but Iran itself is preparing to launch an all-out attack on Israel. Such an attack could include up to seven fronts, including Iraq, Syria, Lebanon and the Houthis in Yemen, along with Iran itself, Gaza, Judea and Samaria.

We likely stand on the precipice of the next phase in this war: The direct showdown between the Islamic Revolution of the Iranian regime and Israel.

Although this grave reality is seizing headlines around the world, most appear to be missing how big a moment it is. 

Iran faces a classic sunk investment in which whatever money has been made is history, the net balance is now a loss and sinking more money into it only promises more loss. 

Such is Iran’s great “ring of fire” war against Israel. The war started on Oct. 7 with an Iranian victory via its proxy Hamas and immense growth in stature and influence. Iran was especially successful at seizing the region’s strategic and geopolitical momentum to the benefit of itself, its axis of rogue states and its geopolitical great-power allies of Russia and China.

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